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Protecting the ocean via criminal law: a fireside chat with Sylvia Earle

Ocean for Ecocide Law international network launch

Wednesday 7th June, 11:00 EST / 17:00 CEST
Live streamed and in-person at The Explorers Club,
46 E 70th Street, New York, NY 10021

Organised and co-hosted by Gallifrey, Stop Ecocide International & Mission Blue


Despite covering most of our planet, the ocean is often absent from conversations about mass environmental destruction.

Yet, just like land-based ecosystems, the ocean faces many existential threats from human activity - including anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, marine plastic, chemical pollution and overextraction.

Join us in-person at The Explorers Club in NewYork, or via live-stream, on the 7th of June for the international launch of the Ocean for Ecocide Law Network.

Sylvia Earle, the pioneering oceanographer, campaigner and author, who has dedicated her life to protecting marine ecosystems, will discuss the urgent need to make the widespread or long-term damage to our ocean an international crime.

June 6

Protecting nature, creating accountability, framing change: the power of recognising “ecocide”

June 13

Clarifying obligations and deterring harm: the power of international law to address climate crisis