
Inviting Iwi, organizations, companies and NGOs in Aotearoa-New Zealand:
Join us in asking our government to publicly
declare its support for an
international crime of Ecocide


This manifesto is exclusively for organizations and companies. If you wish to support the campaign on an individual basis, please sign the International Petition, then go on to sign up to become an Earth Protector. Thank you!

The New Zealand Dotterel / tūturiwhatu is an endangered migratory species that nests in coastal dune systems prone to disturbance from humans and introduced pests, extreme weather events and sea level rise. Photo courtesy Emily Roberts.

The New Zealand Dotterel / tūturiwhatu is an endangered migratory species that nests in coastal dune systems prone to disturbance from humans and introduced pests, extreme weather events and sea level rise. Photo courtesy Emily Roberts.

From mountain to sea. Awa Hangatahua flows from the slopes of maunga Taranaki through a heavily modified landscape of pastoral agriculture and introduced species. Photo courtesy Catherine Cheung.

From mountain to sea. Awa Hangatahua flows from the slopes of maunga Taranaki through a heavily modified landscape of pastoral agriculture and introduced species. Photo courtesy Catherine Cheung.